Wednesday, July 23, 2008

School Fundraising Ideas

school fundraisingA school fundraising activity is always a great idea to help your school raise the money that it needs with the help and participation of the whole community.

It is also an excellent way for students to understand the value of money and to learn that hard work pays off.

With so many fundraisers happening all around, what would differentiate your fundraiser and make it stand out from the rest? What would make people choose to support your cause? What fundraising activities will be mutually beneficial to both your school and to those prospective financial supporters? These are some important questions that you need to ask yourself before actually deciding on what fundraising activity to have. Once you have answered them, you can then move on to deciding what type of fundraiser will most likely work for your school. To help you with that, here are some school fundraising activities you can choose from.

One of the latest and most innovative school fundraising activities nowadays is Scrips. It is the use of paper as a substitute for money. This concept has actually been around for ages but it has only been utilized for fundraisers just recently. What happens is that during a fundraiser, the school would sell Scrips that they bought at a discount. For example, they would sell a $50-worth Scrip for the local grocer that they only bought for $45 to a community member. The local grocer is promoted, the fundraiser makes money, and the supporter purchases something that he can actually use.

A similar concept to Scrips is a fundraising concept referred to as “Schoolpop.” A supporter simply has to shop at participating online stores to make money for your school. Every time they make a purchase online, a certain percentage of the total cost will be rebated back to the school.

One fundraising idea that would surely encourage community participation is a community business bazaar. Invite parents and other community members to feature their businesses in a school bazaar. This will allow them to promote their products and services to the entire community. The participants will be assigned to their own booths and the school can charge a rental fee for each booth. Furthermore, they can charge entrance fees for those who want to check out the local community wares.

Auctioning services or talents of students or local community members is another brilliant way to raise funds for your school. Come up with a list of participants and the corresponding talents that they have or services that they would render and organize an auction night. For example, a student can donate a six-hour babysitting service to the school for free. The school will auction this service off to the highest bidder and will earn the cost of the bid.

Lastly, you can always choose the safe route and go with some tried and tested fundraising ideas. These include bake sales, garage sales, community car washes, ticket raffles, movie premieres or special screenings, talent shows, quiz bees and the like.


Andy Stockglausner said...

GREAT blog! I have a great fundraiser idea that my photography company offers. I do a family photo raffle that I have had organizations raise over $10,000 with. Also, a kids art fundraiser that we do. More info can be found at; or

Anonymous said...

This was nice and helpful blog.

In reality, schools really entails to have lots of expenses, since the school should not limit the things they might share with their students, so in order to be updated or to be qualified enough , it must continuously provide proper education to the students, in which it requires an investment too.
Fund raising can help schools in finding ways to support the expenses needed to provide quality education.

msthrifty said...

These all all great ideas! Some of which our school uses. I have a new idea that works great and you do not have to sell anything!

It is a completely free online shopping mall. You shop at places you already shop at and earn a cash back%

Go to
to find out more

Unknown said...

I was glad to run across your post about fundraising ideas. On a related subject, I posted about parents getting involved with schools easy ways to support education. Hope you like it!

mikecarlsn said...

I am so tired of having to run my children around town to assist our school in their fundraisers, and then have to distribute the products afterwards. There’s a website that a friend of mine recommended called Fundraising Provider. It’s an online product distribution and auctions site that makes the process so easy now for the school. I went there and thought it was great.

They even keep track of your sales when someone follows a link from your facebook postings.

I highly recommend you check it out. It’s such an easy way to help your school and you can earn great rewards for the kids too.

Apparently you can even start raising funds for your school or non-profit group, even if they haven't signed up with company yet! That's amazing!

Mike T. said...

Great Post! I've been looking for ways of fundraising and found this idea. Check it out Do you know of anything like that? I think it would be a great idea. Thanks for any info/advice.

Brian said...

We recently hosted a candle fundraiser for our school that went amazingly well! We decided to use NorthWood Candle Company as they offered a quality product at a great price, included fragrance samples for the participants, and customized the printed materials to help promote our organization as well. We can't wait to plan our next candle fundraiser with them this fall! You can get free info at

Craig said...
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Craig said...

Hey, you can trying buying greeting cards which support charity -

optimization said...

Remarkable development of exciting product.

For suggestions and new ideas of fundraising - fundraising ideas
Tips and help about fundraising - fundraising tips
What are the products of Fundraising - fundraising products

MarkAnt98 said...

I'm a big fan of auctions, I think they are used never nearly enough as a school fundraising idea. But some of these other ideas you've suggested I have never come across, so thank you for bringing it to my attention!

sarah-jackson17 said...

Talent shows and spelling bees seem like a great idea for school fundraising , in the UK we need a breath of fresh air in the way we raise money for destitute inner city schools, always useful to find such information online, keep up the good work! - Sarah =)

DirectLine recycling said...

School Fundraising Ideas !!! For our Textile Recycling Scheme call 07438627652

Schools, Nurseries, Youth Clubs, Sports Clubs, Churches, Charity Shops,Community and Fundraising Groups can all benefit from our Recycle to Raise Funds Schemes.

This schemes not only helps organisations and local communities raise funds but they also helps increase individual awareness about the importance of Recycling.

The schemes are completely FREE of charge and all the organisations will be paid for every Kg recycled.

Waseem said...

This is nice and helpful blog you have shared about fundraising...thanks you share it with us.Discount Card fundraiser

Unknown said...

Very nice post, thanks for sharing the information. Keep up the good work.

online fundraising for schools