Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Creative fund raising ideas

Fund raising can be a lot of work. Combining the right elements together with willingness to experiment on new ideas can make it fun and exciting. Think out of the box and expect donations to flow.

Here are some tips on how to come up with creative fund raising activities:

1. Update the answering machine and mention the fund raising drive and briefly explain the cause. Ask friends and other fund raisers to do the same. Expect an increase in donations in less than a week.

2. Wear a ribbon or lapel pin that symbolizes the fund raising activity. This will grab the attention of people passing by or people that you are just having conversations with. The more they get curious the bigger the benefits, giving you the chance to explain what the fund raising is all about.

3. Hold a community bake sale. Gather a group that will bake cookies and sell them to get profits. Don't forget to emphasize the cause of the sale and let people know about the beneficiaries. People are more convinced to buy when they know that they can help other people even in simple ways.

4. Stage a unique raffle. Instead of conventional prizes, give away $20 worth of car washes or dry cleaning.

5. Ask for donations from people attending the mass. Be sure to inform church leaders before hand and be armed with great presentation.

6. Put a pledge jar in grocery stores and restaurants. Shoppers and customers usually don’t mind dropping few cents to help people in need.

7. Ask friends and family members to donate items like jewelry, clothes, old bikes, and anything saleable and hold a garage sale.

8. Create and design a web site. Post necessary information about the fund raising and how they can help.

9. Ask groups of friends to do household chores for neighbors in exchange of donations.

10. Host a costume party and ask for donations. Make sure to inform all guests beforehand by including this information on the invitations.

11. Put banners or flags along the streets to advertise the fund raising event. Include a contact number or e-mail address for questions and donations.

12. Ask for donations from parents, teachers, co-workers, etc. near payday. This is the perfect time to raise huge amounts of money.

Fund raising activities aren't all work and no play. Learn to loosen up a bit and welcome creative thoughts, they usually work!


Anonymous said...

Absolutely,fundraising needs a lot of work and it needs a great amount of personal commitment, leadership, creativity, resources, determinations, a plan, preparation, marketing, distribution and a finger on the pulse of the needs. There are many different ways to approach any type of fundraisers. Chocolate fundraising is also a successful way. Schools, candy canes, bars, bags, boxes, bulk sales, even sponsored free candy for fundraisers for charities and churches for example, can all benefit from a well-planned and executed action plan, from start to finish.fundraising tips does not have to be dull, predictable and boring.

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