Friday, February 15, 2008

Sweet Charity: How to Raise Funds for a Good Cause

It’s a common problem amongst all of us who want to help out: we have all the time, all the will, and all the drive – but we don’t have the money. Whether it’s a bid to build low cost houses for the urban poor, or a day at the fair for less privileged children, all good causes need money. All good causes require you to raise funds, but how can you do it?

Raising funds nowadays is growing to be especially difficult, and it’s not because we have fewer problems in society. There are more poor, uneducated people; more endangered species and polluted natural resources; and more buildings and equipment in need of dire repair. There is, however, less money to go around, and your job will be to convince people that their hard-earned cash can find a better place in making someone else happy.

Not that we’re all selfish, but you do need to prod a few hearts before you can get the cash you need. Here are a few pointers to consider:

Everyone loves an incentive – Sure, we should give without expecting anything in return, but that’s us, the volunteers. What about the funding agency?

It’s a classic case of the Golden Rule: He who has the gold makes the rules. Play on that by giving the gold holder a chance to get prizes. Hold a cake raffle and sell tickets at high prices. Offer to put up the donor’s advertising posters during the big event. Promise to mention the donor’s name a thousand times.

Make the incentive inviting and profitable. Remember, this should be a win-win situation.

Use Technology Wisely – Yesterday’s posters and flyers will cut down more trees today. Besides, many funding agencies and potential donors don’t have time to read things on paper. Get in touch with them through email. Design a website for your fund raising event. This way, people will get excited about and hear about it even before it happens.

If you have time and resources, make a website for your good cause as well. This will attract more potential donors – and it will show that you do mean business

Brainstorm on Feasibility – Ten heads will be better than one of yours, so get your colleagues and some outsiders together and brainstorm. Remember: brainstorming is about getting all the ideas out and choosing the best ones later. Don’t block any idea just because it seems too small time, or too expensive.

Whether it’s for the environment or for people, good luck on your fund raising event! The world needs more kind hearts like yours.


Unknown said...

Our company, Possibility Pictures, has just made a great film picked up for Spring 2010 release by Universal Vivendi on 750 screens. It is called LETTERS TO GOD and is based on a true story of a 9 year old boy dealing with a rare form of brain cancer. He is "the calm in the center of the storm" and begins writing letters to God to ask for help for his friends and family who are struggling through his illness.

It is a story of cancer AND a story of hope. We are getting great reviews and the soundtrack is fabulous!

We are offering the movie to cancer charities and pediatric hospitals as a way to raise funds. They can show the movie to their donor group as a fundraiser prior to the national release.

I hope you will share this information with others. They can view our great movie website at and call me at 843 816 2055 cell. Fred Williams - Sr. Project Mger.

Anonymous said...

I really like people who try to help each other. Persons who need our love, our hand, our help... People that don't have anything, that can not buy shoes
buy viagra , buy food,buy clothes.

Unknown said...

I feel the same as Stuart and I am new to this site.

I am trying to raise funds for a refugee who is in Ghana form Liberia.
I have known Emmanuel for 13 years and tried to get him to Australia but it failed ( as I was a woman alone at the time)
His whole family was beheaded in front of him,other , father and 3 brothers. his sister died in Ghana.

He has 2 sets of twins in Liberia ( his birth place) So I have now convinced himn to go back home to find them and perhaps he can make a new life back in his country.
He now 34 years old and was too traumatized to go back.
\With allot of years of talking he know wants to go back.

He needs his air fare ($600 USA) plus $100 for fees, AND I would like
him to have some money for food and some where to stay when he gets back.

I am looking to raise $1000 for him.

Any help or advise I would appreciate.
Thank You.

innercityhelp said...

These are great ideas. Thanks for sharing.

Craig said...

These are all great ideas, and you may want to Charity Greetings.

It's such a simple way to fundraise. Every time you need to send a greeting card simply send it from and you get to help good causes one card at a time.

So next time you need to send a birthday card, you know where to go.

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