Thursday, February 28, 2008

Before You Start that Raise, Consider This — Pros and Cons of Fund Raising

Fund raising can be one great experience, especially for non-profit organizations that don't have enough money to support their charitable operations.

For this reason, many people tend to think that fund raising is an all out solution to money problems, especially where solid capital and viable means of income-generating strategies are scarce.

However, it doesn't necessarily follow that fund raising is the ultimate solution to funding problems. Like any activity, it has its own drawbacks.

Knowing its pros and cons will help you in understanding the nature and concept of fund raising. In this way, you will be able to take measures whenever imminent problem arises caused by the underlying weaknesses of fund raising.


1. Build bridges, not burn them

One of the greatest advantages that fund raising can give is that it can build bridges among alumni, colleagues, etc. Instead of burning them after these people have their own lives, fund raising can even bring them closer again and continue to uphold the principle that they once have in their hearts and minds.

For instance, school fund raising can always call out the members of the alumni and let them help in the fund raising activity that the school will initiate. With this, communication with other people is strengthened while generating funds for your organization.

2. It is all about helping

Another good thing about fund raising is that everything is centered on helping. If you think that you simply can't do the project alone, there are many ways to ask for some help. Volunteers are available all over the area. Even some groups can guide you in your fund raising activity.


1. It is vulnerable to scam and other unscrupulous activities

Fund raising can be home to generous people, and yet, it can be one way for deceitful activities. Since most people are usually willing to help, some unscrupulous people take advantage of this area and start soliciting money and donations. The problem is that they aren't working for charity but for wickedness.

2. Too much proliferation

Since everybody can do a fund raising activity, the proliferations of fundraisers are just too much that the donors or sponsors can no longer bear.

Indeed, fund raising may have its benefits, but there is always the other side of the coin. It is best to know its pros and cons before considering an organization to donate with or before your organization even start building your own fund raising event.


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Sports and Fund Raising: Mix and Match for Success

When considering some fundraising ideas, sports activities have always been the primary and most common concept. This is because almost everybody has their own sport and everybody usually enjoys anything that concerns sports.

However, it doesn't necessarily mean that using sports, as the most common fundraising concept would render organizations easy ways to generate money. Keep in mind that in order to succeed in certain endeavors such as fundraising, there are factors that must be considered in order to guarantee the program’s success.

Here are some tips when you need to team up sports and fund raising into one useful activity:

1. Know your goal

The only major goal in a fund raising activity is to raise money. It would be better to clearly set the amount of money that you need to raise from your fund raising activity. In this way, you can think of a particular sport that will give you the best results.

2. Make a concrete plan

Organizing a fund raising activity that will focus on sports will require a concrete plan. This will entail the estimated number of people needed to facilitate the operation of the fundraising activity. The schedule should be fixed and properly set.

For instance, if you are thinking of organizing a swimming competition to raise some funds for your outreach program, you may need to start with the announcements, promotions, and finally, with the execution of the activity. Since it will be a swimming competition, your organization should find a suitable location for it.

3. Render enough time

Fundraising doesn't start and end with a snap. There must be an allocated time and space for everything, from the brainstorming down to the last details of the activity. It will need the right amount of time in order to carry out the tasks in the right manner.

Keep in mind that generating money is never easy. The amount of money that you have to generate will determine the time that should be allotted for the activity.

4. Choose the best sport

Successful sports fund raising activities evolve into good sports. This means that in order to guarantee your campaign’s success, it would be better to choose the sport that will best work for fund raising activity.

Given all that, your organization will be able to raise the funds that it needs in no time. Just keep in mind that everything will fall appropriately into place once you have organized everything and planned out what your group really wants to achieve.


Friday, February 22, 2008

Girl Scout Fund Raising Guidelines Every Girl Scout Should Know

Girl scouts have always been responsible in whatever undertaking they may take. They have been highly acclaimed as one of the most useful organizations in the society.

Among the many activities of Girl Scout clubs and organizations are their charitable works. And since this organization doesn't have specific funds to support their operations, they have to opt for fund raising.

In reality, girl scouts are never allowed to ask for money or donations as long as they are members of Girl Scouts. Solicitation of money and asking for donations of any kind is a part of the club’s fund raising activities. They are all based on legal antecedents.

Moreover, girls scout fund raising isn't directly done by the girls themselves. According to the provisions and policies stated in the Girl Scout law, adults are the only ones allowed to manage the fund raising activities.

However, this doesn't necessarily mean that girl scouts can no longer participate in fund raising. Besides, they are the ones who will benefit from the Girl Scout fund raising activities. They will need the funds to support their club’s substantial operations.

So for the Girl Scout organizations that wishes to raise funds and don't know what to do or how to start, here are some tips that can help you out:

1. Know your goal

Before starting out and brainstorming on some possible fund raising ideas, it is important that your group has solidly decided on the amount of money that your group has to raise. This will facilitate the fund raising activity.

Moreover, decide on your group’s purpose in raising funds. Keep in mind that every Girl Scout should never attempt to raise funds for individual purposes.

2. Work personally with the adults
As the provisions stated in the “Money-earning Guidelines” of the organization, only the adults are allowed to raise funds for the organization. However, members are allowed to participate in girl scout fund raising activities as long as there is an adult present at the event so as to help and guide them.

3. Never create fund raising activity for other groups

It isn't appropriate for every girl scout member to raise funds for the sake of a different organization. If your group would really like to extend help, you can opt for donations from your own funds.

Indeed, girl scout fund raising activities can be real fun. It doesn't just provide girls scouts viable means to raise their own funds, but it can also teach them the values of resourcefulness, cooperation, and responsibility.


Friday, February 15, 2008

Sweet Charity: How to Raise Funds for a Good Cause

It’s a common problem amongst all of us who want to help out: we have all the time, all the will, and all the drive – but we don’t have the money. Whether it’s a bid to build low cost houses for the urban poor, or a day at the fair for less privileged children, all good causes need money. All good causes require you to raise funds, but how can you do it?

Raising funds nowadays is growing to be especially difficult, and it’s not because we have fewer problems in society. There are more poor, uneducated people; more endangered species and polluted natural resources; and more buildings and equipment in need of dire repair. There is, however, less money to go around, and your job will be to convince people that their hard-earned cash can find a better place in making someone else happy.

Not that we’re all selfish, but you do need to prod a few hearts before you can get the cash you need. Here are a few pointers to consider:

Everyone loves an incentive – Sure, we should give without expecting anything in return, but that’s us, the volunteers. What about the funding agency?

It’s a classic case of the Golden Rule: He who has the gold makes the rules. Play on that by giving the gold holder a chance to get prizes. Hold a cake raffle and sell tickets at high prices. Offer to put up the donor’s advertising posters during the big event. Promise to mention the donor’s name a thousand times.

Make the incentive inviting and profitable. Remember, this should be a win-win situation.

Use Technology Wisely – Yesterday’s posters and flyers will cut down more trees today. Besides, many funding agencies and potential donors don’t have time to read things on paper. Get in touch with them through email. Design a website for your fund raising event. This way, people will get excited about and hear about it even before it happens.

If you have time and resources, make a website for your good cause as well. This will attract more potential donors – and it will show that you do mean business

Brainstorm on Feasibility – Ten heads will be better than one of yours, so get your colleagues and some outsiders together and brainstorm. Remember: brainstorming is about getting all the ideas out and choosing the best ones later. Don’t block any idea just because it seems too small time, or too expensive.

Whether it’s for the environment or for people, good luck on your fund raising event! The world needs more kind hearts like yours.


Monday, February 4, 2008

Fund Raising Cookie Dough That Will Certainly Give You Good Income

Fund raising cookie dough is a famous school fundraising program. Generally it involves selling boxes or large tubes of cookie dough that can be frozen for future use. The organization normally pre-buys a specific number of boxes or takes advance orders then sells the dough to friends, relatives, parents and the public.

Cookie doughs are sold using order forms provided by your fundraising supplier. The frozen dough is normally packed in containers there are several different varieties.

Your sales team will show the brochures to your customers, take down their orders then collect payment upfront. Then, the specified day, the orders are colleted from all your sales people then submitted together with your payment for your cookie dough supplier. Your order will arrive within a few weeks and will be ready to be delivered to your customers.

Potential Income

Fund raising cookie dough typically requires little or no “out of pocket” expenses and often you are able to keep the profit right away.

You can achieve between 30-55 percent profits from your cookie dough sales. Cookie dough dealers recommend that you have at least 30-50 dough sellers for your program to be successful.

Here are other things that will influence your profit; ask about:

• Order forms and brochure costs

• “Money collection envelopes” costs

• Cost of computerized sales

• Distribution sheets costs


• They are highly consumable, permitting repeat fundraisers.

• Require no “upfront” capital.

• They are very popular baking treats.

• Profits are immediately kept.


• Requires that it should be kept frozen until they are delivered.

• There can be complicated restrictions on delivery.

Tips for successful sales:

1. Set sales objectives; each person should have a quota.

2. Set your beginning and ending date. Stick to it.

3. Allow sufficient lead to organize and plan your sale.

4. Be aware of competition. Never sell similar products as, and at the same time as your competition.

5. Promote. Advertise in your local newspaper, distribute flyers.

6. Orient your sales team. Inform them what the fund raising is for as well as how much money is needed. Before they go out and sell, let them practice and they need to be well acquainted with the product that they are selling.

Above all, “plan your work and work your plan”; a saying that works every time.